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Français Ab Initio 

Learning french for the past few years has been such a wonderful experience! Although I didn't realize how much dedication and comprehension is needed to learn a new language, I was always amused by the fun projects and lessons we did in class. Songs and the Rachid series were probably my favorite; not only because they made me laugh, but it's amazing to see how much more you are able to understand as time goes by. I really enjoyed this class and plan on continuing with my French studies throughout University. 

Animal Planet Voiceover

For our very last French project, we did an Animal Planet voiceover; where Regina H and I narrated in French the circle of life inside the Kenian jungle. I chose this project for various reasons, one of them being that Ali cried because the cheetahs ate an ostrich (which was so funny hahaha), the second being that we had a lot of fun trying to imitate French David Attenborough, and  the last one, because it is a very bittersweet project. French class is all about going out of your comfort zone to learn new things, all while doing funny and embarrassing projects; and our last ever French project was just like that. 

Podcast Français - Episode 1
00:00 / 02:57

Reflection :) 

IB Learner Profile : Thinkers  

Vacances Noël - Regina H et Jimena W 

One of the things that I found extremely helpful yet extremely challenging, was actually talking in french by doing oral presentations. After our covid Holidays, we did a team presentation on what we did and what we enjoyed. Speaking in past tense is still a challenge, but I was very proud to get through the presentation without having to answer Ali's questions in English. 

Podcast Français - Episode 2
00:00 / 03:23

Reflection :) 

IB Learner Profile :  Reflective 

French Oral 

The French oral was an IB examination, where we were tested on our abilities to comprehend, conjugate, and speak in le français. In the spot, you are shown a series of images and asked to choose one, where you will describe what you see, what you think, what you wonder, and answer a series of questions. This examination was probably the one I was most scared of, because it is here where you show all of your french skills except writing. Nonetheless I was pleasantly surprised, where I was able to comprehend all of the questions, and only invented two words (hahahah). If I were to pick a piece of work that I was most proud of, I would choose this one. 

Jimena-oral finale français 12e (2021-0
00:00 / 11:22
Podcast French - Ep. 3
00:00 / 04:18

Reflection :) 

IB Learner Profile :  Risk - Takers 

Jimena Wunsch 

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